Dog Breeds

Shih Tzus


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Shih Tzu: The Royal Companion Packed with Charm and Personality

Fun Fact

Shih Tzus are called ancient breeds as some claim they are over 1000 years old!

These tiny adorable toy breeds are full of life and fun!


Shih Tzus was bred in Tibet believe it or not more than 800 years ago! These dogs have a very long and royal history. They were introduced to other parts of the world only during the early 20th century. Shih Tzus are believed to be with Buddha when he rode a lion to the earth. Shih Tzu in Mandarin means ‘Lion Dog’ Their face resembles a lion. The hair on the head was used like a handle to ride by Buddha. The dog was kept in royal families for centuries. So if you have a Shih Tzu, then they need a Royal treatment!


These little goof balls come in many colour combinations. They come in a blend of Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Gold, Black with White. The average male weighs between 5-8 kilograms while females weigh between 4-7 kilograms. Short nose and snout with big brown eyes. They have double coated hair. Long and silky hair which falls over the eyes. Floppy hairy ears and a cute curled up tail.


Shih Tzus are very independent and lively. They are affectionate and perky. They want to be near you most of the time. Sleeping time is around 15 hours a day! They can be very stubborn if they want to when it comes to being trained and while eating. Picky eaters most of them! They are best suited for apartment and independent houses. Since they have a small snout and nose, they require cold conditions to breathe better. Humid and hot weather makes it difficult for them to breathe.


Shih Tzus have a life span of 12-15 years. However, they are known to develop several health issues unfortunately. The most common issues are related to Heart, Trachea, Ear infections and Eye infections. Breathing issues due to nostrils being too close to each other. Hairy ears cause several types of infection if not cleaned and groomed. The key to try and increase their life expectancy is to make sure they have a proper diet, required exercise/walk, timely medication, yearly Vaccinations, deworming tablets every three months and regular blood tests with Vet regarding the overall health.


Shih Tzus are high maintenance breeds. Needs utmost care when it comes to grooming. The hair around the mouth is long and needs constant cleaning after eating or drinking water. They prefer cool temperatures. Moist and unclean hair causes a lot of infection and difficulties. The hair inside the ear needs to be cleaned and groomed regularly. It is fine if you cannot bathe them regularly but it is very important to brush the coat every day and check the skin underneath. Since they have a dense coat, it makes Ticks and Fleas very hard to detect. So, removing the excess hair by brushing regularly is a priority. Avoid making them lie down on wet surfaces. This will cause their skin to smell bad and the hair to stick to each other. If time doesn’t permit, visiting a groomer is best advised.

Good food and nutrition is significant. Awareness of what to feed and how much to feed is extremely important. Processed food is not ideal due to the chemicals used causing increasing effects on the gut. Bloating, digestive issues, stinky stool, diarrhea, obesity, and dehydration are some of the most common issues faced.

Canine diet requires a blend of fresh and natural ingredients. It should include the right amount of protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrate. We understand that it is not easy to make fresh food at home on a daily basis which meets all the nutritional requirements.

We at Genie Pet Meal understand the nutritional requirement of each dog because we customise the food according to the requirement. 100% fresh and natural ingredients like Chicken, 7 types of Vegetables, Rice, Egg white and other ingredients combined in the right quantity makes our food extremely healthy! It’s tailor made for your dog as we keep in mind the importance of giving the best to your fur ball. 

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