Dog Breeds



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Rottweiler: The Powerful Protector with a Loyal Heart and Gentle Soul

Fun Fact

Rottweilers have a bite force of 328 pounds per square inch whereas humans have between 130-160 pounds per square inch!


Rottweilers or Rotties trace back to the Roman Empire over two thousand years ago! The name is derived from an old city of Rottweil and was also called ‘Rottweil Metzgerhund’ which translates to Rottweil Butcher’s Dog. Roman soldiers left many dogs in Germany after moving on. Local sheep dogs were bred with them and thus came the Rottweiler. This large breed was bred as a working dog to protect sheep and livestock. They were primarily used as herd dogs. Later on during World War 1 and World War 2, they were used as Ambulance and guard dogs.


Rottweilers are massively strong and big dogs. Males weigh between 50-65 kilograms and females between 30-45 kilograms. They have broad heads with hanging ears, loose eyes and wrinkled forehead. Black nose with big nostrils making the nose well developed. They have black gums with strong teeth. The Rottweiler has a straight, coarse, medium-length outer coat. They have a strong well muscled thick neck, broad chest, strong hind legs, body and long tail. They were earlier shortened because they would get stuck with things while pulling a cart or working. Nowadays, it is shortened for looks. However it is not recommended to cut the tail as it is painful. Their skin colour is a blend of Black and Mahogany.


Rottweilers are very defensive, territorial, controlling, strong, sharp, independent, confident and territorial dogs. They are overly hyped in movies and television shows. They show aggression at times towards strangers as their territorial and watchdog instinct plays a strong role. They are very loyal and consider their human family as their pack. They make amazing watch and police dogs due to them able to grasp new commands quickly


This breed has a life span of 10-12 years. They are prone to getting different types of Cancers such as Melanoma, Hemangiosarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Lymphoma and Histiocytic sarcoma. Nearly 50% of the breed’s death is attributed to Cancer. They are also prone to several skin diseases. Needs constant check regarding this. There are possibilities of getting hip and elbow dysplasia. Rottweilers are prone to Musculoskeletal problems which impact  muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints and cartilage. Many dogs face bloating, cataract and obesity issues. Since they get hip and elbow Dysplasia. Make sure they DO NOT jump from heights or constantly jump down from cots or sofas onto a smooth floor.


They need to have a strict routine in certain aspects like walking and exercise. They need a minimum of one hours walk a day. They love long walks, running, swimming and need plenty of mental stimulation. Since they have short hair, shedding is minimal. Needs brushing every other day as they have smooth hair and needs a good brushing of the skin. Teeth need to be brushed twice a week. Since they are active, the nails are usually naturally trimmed but in case it grows long, needs immediate attention. They like to follow their owners and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long hours. They need training from a very young age about basic commands and socialising. If not they turn out to be stubborn and might get snappy.

Good food and nutrition is significant. Awareness of what to feed and how much to feed is extremely important. Processed food is not ideal due to the chemicals used causing increasing effects on the gut. Bloating, digestive issues, stinky stool, diarrhea, obesity and dehydration are some of the most common issues faced.

Canine diet requires a blend of fresh and natural ingredients . It should include the right amount of protein, fibre, fat and carbohydrate. We understand that it is not easy to make fresh food at home on a daily basis which meets all the nutritional requirements.

We at Genie Pet Meal understand the nutritional requirement of each dog because we customise the food according to the requirement. 100% fresh and natural ingredients like Chicken, 7 types of Vegetables, Rice, Egg white and other ingredients combined in the right quantity makes our food extremely healthy! It’s tailor made for your dog as we keep in mind the importance of giving the best to your fur ball. 

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