Dog Breeds



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Pug: The Adorable Little Charmer with Big Eyes and an Even Bigger Heart

Fun Fact

The Hutch dog which appeared in the ads in 2003 was called ‘Cheeka’!


The breed dates back to over 2000 years old in China. Nobody knows the purpose of breeding them. They were owned by Chinese royalty, wealthy people and Tibetian monks. Dutch traders introduced the breed to Europe during the 16th century where they were made popular by The House Of Orange. Pugs became popular in the royal family of the United Kingdom. Pugs were Queen Victoria’s favourite breed. It said that she owned 38 pugs during her time. Pugs became very famous in India after the release of ad campaigns from Hutch in 2003. Modern Pugs are also called ‘Morrison Pugs’ as they are descendants of the Morrison line. They are English breeding strains developed in the late 19th century.


Pugs are small and are considered to be toy breeds. Males typically weigh between 6-10 kilograms and females between 5-8 kilograms. They have a squarish body with a short curly tail. They have wrinkled faces, protruding lower jaws, big round eyes, folded ears and short snout. They have strong long legs compared to the size of the body but have small paws. They usually come in fawn colour with black face mask or completely black. Thier toes are well split with black nails.


Pugs are a very friendly breed. They are a very affectionate, calm, playful and loving breed. They love to spend most of their time around the owners. They are very sensitive to the owner’s mood. They are also called ‘Shadow dogs’ as they follow their owners around. They are usually very quiet but they do bark at strangers at times. Many pugs scream either in a funny or annoying way.


The life span of pugs is between 12-15 years. They are prone to many diseases. Pugs get Obesity more than any other breeds. Infact, they are three times more likely to become obese. It is considered a high health priority. They often inbred which cause Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). This condition is caused by their flat faces and narrow nostrils which make it difficult for them to breathe through their nostrils. They often breathe through their mouths. During tests conducted over the years, 65% of pugs developed Hip Dysplasia. They are prone to Demodicosis which is a condition where the immune system is unable to keep mites under control. They are also susceptible to Hemivertebrae which is a condition where the spinal cord is compressed by deforming the vertebral canal. Since they have a flat face, there are chances of water getting into the nose while drinking water. They will have to snort it out. The key to try and increase their life expectancy is to make sure they have a proper diet, required exercise/walk, timely medication, yearly Vaccinations, Deworming tablets every three months and regular blood tests with Vet regarding the overall health. Feeding Chicken feet Broth on a regular basis decreases the risk of Hip Dysplasia.


Pugs can be a little bit of a challenge when it comes to maintenance. The first thing that needs care is their wrinkly face. Since they are deep, they need to be cleaned and dried regularly to avoid infections. They are prone to dental issues. So their teeth need to be brushed two to three times a day. The hair is short and brushing can be done three times a week. You can bathe them once a month unless they smell or get dirty for other reasons. They need about 30 minutes of walking a day and indoor plays. They thrive in cool temperatures. Anything above 30 degrees can be troublesome to them. They might develop separation anxiety if left alone for a long time. They definitely need regular vet visits to keep them on a healthy track.

Good food and nutrition is significant. Awareness of what to feed and how much to feed is extremely important. Processed food is not ideal due to the chemicals used causing increasing effects on the gut. Bloating, digestive issues, stinky stool, diarrhea, obesity and dehydration are some of the most common issues faced.

Canine diet requires a blend of fresh and natural ingredients . It should include the right amount of protein, fibre, fat and carbohydrate. We understand that it is not easy to make fresh food at home on a daily basis which meets all the nutritional requirements.

We at Genie Pet Meal understand the nutritional requirement of each dog because we customise the food according to the requirement. 100% fresh and natural ingredients like Chicken, 7 types of Vegetables, Rice, Egg white and other ingredients combined in the right quantity makes our food extremely healthy! It’s tailor made for your dog as we keep in mind the importance of giving the best to your fur ball. 

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