Dog Breeds

German Shepherd (Alsatian)


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German Shepherd (Alsatian): The Noble Guardian with Brains, Brawn, and Loyalty

Fun Fact

A German Shepherd named ‘Buddy’ was the first ever service dog used for a blind man in 1928!

One of the most feared and intimidating breeds!

During the late 19th Century in Germany, this breed was bred to be herd/working dogs. The breed was developed to protect and align Cattle/Sheep/Flock. It was renamed to ‘Alsatian’ by the British during World War 1 as their enemy was Germany during the time and didn’t want to bring the name ‘German’ often. Gradually, grazing lands were taken over for development, and better protection methods were introduced. The breed didn’t have a purpose for a short period until people realized that the Shepherds were intelligent and loyal. They were used as guard dogs at Nazi concentration camps. It was considered to be a dog of thugs and bullies. Hence came the reputation of being ‘Dangerous’. Nowadays, they are used as guard dogs for home and Police use them as search and rescue dogs.


German Shepherds are a large breed of dogs. The average weight of a male dog is between 35-40 kilograms and females between 25-33 kilograms. The colours vary between a mix of Black and Golden Brown. More of Black and less Golden Brown and vice versa. There are completely Black German Shepherds as well. With a majestic round head and long straight ears, they are one of the most striking looking dogs! They have very powerful jaws and long necks. Fast runners with a long furry tail. Their fur is double coated and comes with either long or medium length hair.


German Shepherds are watch/guards and are not very comfortable when strangers approach them. They are fierce protectors of their family.They get overly fierce if not trained properly. Considered to be very loyal and active dogs. Loving towards their parents and active breed. Curious dogs which make them be in the presence of new smells and sounds. If not trained properly, they are known to attack swiftly with very powerful bites. They are considered to be in the top 5 list of most attacks from dogs. They are known to fight with Wolves in farm and forest conflict areas. It is required to understand the temperament of the German Shepherd and give them the respect and time they deserve.  


Their average life expectancy is between 11 and 13 years. They are prone to Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia and Elbow issues. Inbreeding increases the risk of these issues. The key to try and increase their life expectancy is to make sure they have a proper diet, required exercise/walk, timely medication, yearly Vaccinations, Deworming tablets every three months and regular blood tests with Vet regarding the overall health. Feeding Chicken feet Broth on a regular basis decreases the risk of Hip Dysplasia.


They are high maintenance dogs! The long soft hair needs regular care as they shed a lot and even more during hot months. It is fine if you cannot bathe them regularly but it is very important to brush the coat every day and check the skin underneath. They prefer cold temperatures. Since they have a dense coat, it makes Ticks and Fleas very hard to detect. So, removing the excess hair by brushing regularly is a priority. Avoid making them lie down on wet surfaces. This will cause their skin to smell bad and the hair to stick to each other. If time doesn’t permit, visiting a groomer is best advised.

Good food and nutrition is significant. Awareness of what to feed and how much to feed is extremely important. Processed food is not ideal due to the chemicals used causing increasing effects on the gut. Bloating, digestive issues, stinky stool, diarrhea, obesity and dehydration are some of the most common issues faced.

Canine diet requires a blend of fresh and natural ingredients . It should include the right amount of protein, fibre, fat and carbohydrate. We understand that it is not easy to make fresh food at home on a daily basis which meets all the nutritional requirements.

We at Genie Pet Meal understand the nutritional requirement of each dog because we customise the food according to the requirement. 100% fresh and natural ingredients like Chicken, 7 types of Vegetables, Rice, Egg white and other ingredients combined in the right quantity makes our food extremely healthy! It’s tailor made for your dog as we keep in mind the importance of giving the best to your fur ball. 

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