Dog Breeds



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Dachshund: The Little Dog with a Big Personality and a Heart for Adventure

Fun Fact

Waldi was the first official mascot in the history of the Olympic Summer Games!


Dachshunds also known as ‘Wiener Dog’ are small breeds of dogs that were bred in Germany during the 15th century to scent, chase, and flush out animals like Rabbits and Badgers. In German ‘Dachs’ means Badger and ‘Hund’ means hound, hence the name. They are derived from German, French, English hounds and Terriers. They were used in World War 2 to detect strategies from the enemy.


Dachshunds have long and muscular bodies with short strong legs. Their front paws are larger than hind paws. Average male weighs between 5-10 kilograms and females between 4-8 kilograms. They have deep chests for increased lung capacity and heads that look big for their body with long, large, floppy and triangular ears. They have a long snout and their skin is loose and doesn’t tear easing while moving through burrows. Dachshunds have short smooth coats with black and tan coloured skin.


Dachshunds are affectionate, loyal, active, playful, independent and good watch dogs. Since they were bred to hunt small animals, they can tend to show a little aggression if not trained from when they are puppies. Dachshunds have a tendency to be a little noisy with strangers. Dachshunds are very devoted to their owners and make for extremely loyal companions.


They have a lifespan between 12-15 years. Since they have long bodies with short legs, Dachshunds are genetically prone to several musculoskeletal conditions. They also develop ‘Patellar luxation’ which is a condition describing kneecap dislocation. They are likely to get Hip Dysplasia and Eye Issues. Dachshunds are prone to develop back problems, Canine Cancer, Seizures and heart issues. However, the key to try and increase their life expectancy is to make sure they have a proper diet, required exercise/walk, timely medication, yearly Vaccinations, deworming tablets every three months and regular blood tests with Vet regarding the overall health. This breed is prone to get hip Dysplasia. Make sure they DO NOT jump from heights or constantly jump down from cots or sofas onto a smooth floor.


Dachshunds are generally low maintenance dogs. Their coat needs brushing twice a week and teeth need cleaning once a week. You can bathe them once a week or whenever They need regular exercise, an hour’s walk per day and diet should be under strict control.

Good food and nutrition is significant. Awareness of what to feed and how much to feed is extremely important. Processed food is not ideal due to the chemicals used causing increasing effects on the gut. Bloating, digestive issues, stinky stool, diarrhea, obesity and dehydration are some of the most common issues faced.

Canine diet requires a blend of fresh and natural ingredients . It should include the right amount of protein, fibre, fat and carbohydrate. We understand that it is not easy to make fresh food at home on a daily basis which meets all the nutritional requirements.

We at Genie Pet Meal understand the nutritional requirement of each dog because we customise the food according to the requirement. 100% fresh and natural ingredients like Chicken, 7 types of Vegetables, Rice, Egg white and other ingredients combined in the right quantity makes our food extremely healthy! It’s tailor made for your dog as we keep in mind the importance of giving the best to your fur ball. 

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